New T series large tractors from Valtra
Valtra -Versatility, Efficiency, Economy The T Series, entering serial production in the autumn of 2002, is a splendid combination of cutting-edge technology, valuable customer benefits and safe, versatile Valtra technology. The T Series features seven extremely versatile six-cylinder machines of between 120 and 209 horsepower.
When the T Series was being designed, special attention was given to the seamless combination of modern work implements with the tractor. The Valtra power control includes solutions and features not found in other tractors. The engines in the T Series tractors are exceptionally economical, and fuel consumption is more than perfect for the level of output. The T Series also introduces innovations to the already highly esteemed Valtra engines. Valtra is also once again the trend-setter in design; even a large tractor can look graceful.
Versatility adds to the options Visibility from the Valtra cabin is excellent in every direction, and Valtra's unique TwinTrack two-way driving equipment allows the operation of the tractor in virtually all conditions. The valves of the T Series work hydraulics only use the required amount of oil from the system - the rest remaining available for the other valves or linkage - and form a single package, all electronically controlled. All valves also feature the so-called floating position. Each of the hydraulics blocks can be programmed for the output and flow time required by a given task. Control of the front loader can also be switched to the joystick on the armrest, resulting in an ergonomically correct working position. In the T Series, changing the driving direction is smooth and fast you only have to move a lever. The same lever operates the parking brake. Thanks to Valtra's unique traction release system, you can stop the tractor by pressing the brake pedal or letting the revs drop below 1,000 RPM, and start off again by pressing the accelerator or removing your foot from the brake pedal. The 90-litre output provides speed, and low response times for the operation of the load-sensing hydraulics, reducing loss of work flow and so promoting the efficient use of demanding work machines. For a long time, Valtra has been famous for being the most colourful tractor in the world. Our selection has for long included six basic colours and three metallic colours. Along with the new T Series, this colour range will expand with two gleaming options. Metallic silver and gold will provide the custom-made Valtra with the final individual touch.
Productivity increased through efficiency
For Valtra's new T Series, controlling the Autocontrol linkage, which has a lifting power of 7.7 tons, is even easier than before, because the main controls are found on the armrest. The armrest of a Valtra is now a veritable control centre for work implements, because you can operate both the linkage and most of the work hydraulics easily, without having to move your arm.
The Powershift automatically shifts to a higher or lower gear as necessary. You can let the system shift according to the pre-programmed factory settings, or you can easily program your own settings according to your experience and needs, based on the RPM. Additionally, the T Series Valtra engages the four-wheel drive when you start off or change the driving direction, eliminating wheel slippage that can break the field surface. You can choose the most suitable of the quick gears for the forward and reverse directions, providing a change of speed of 54%. Regardless of the programming, the operator can always shift gears using the normal push buttons.
Valtras feature diesel engines based on our own construction and manufacturing. The engine, specifically designed for tractor use, is also very popular as the power source of other tractor models. Engine RPMs have been the subject of careful study at Valtra, and the engines have been customised to serve their demanding users. The large models feature nominal revs of 2,100 RPM, which makes the tractor quieter and improves its fuel economy. The EcoPower model, the T140, has a maximum rev level of a mere 1,800 RPM. Work is also smooth at lower rev levels, because the engine provides titanic reserves of torque. Viscofan in all models and intake air intercooling in the T140 and larger tractors add to capacity and economy. The fuel system and filtration are highly efficient and meet the requirements of modern diesel technology. Total costs are also reduced by a maintenance interval of 500 hours. We have also considered the wintertime operation of the T Series, as the charger, starter motor and air intake preheating guarantee start-up in sub-zero conditions. Thanks to a bonnet that can be lifted up, the new Valtra is easy to maintain.
Economy supports entrepreneurship The operator's comfort, ergonomics, and the resulting productivity are at the familiar, high Valtra level. Thanks to the pillar exhaust and the backwards-narrowing bonnet, forward visibility is excellent. The cabin is spacious and natural working positions easy to find. With an even floor, the operator may turn the seat to the side and all the way backwards without having to leave it. New technology allows the main controls of the hydraulics to be located in the armrest, which naturally follows the seat. The cabin's two heaters and the AC, if necessary, keep working conditions pleasant. Thanks to bold solutions, the cabin of the new T Series tractors is extremely quiet: the noise level is around 70dB in the EcoPower model. The power transmission of the T180 model can use 190 horsepower. When driving with partial loads, the tractor uses the more economic 175 horsepower. Its advanced electronic control of driving speed enables a speed of 40 km/h using under 1,800 RPM. In addition, the T190 model features an increase in the power take-off to 209 horsepower, if the take-off is sufficiently loaded. The Valtra's economy in transportation is excellent, since Valtra T models, equipped with a wide wheelbase of 2,748 millimeters, travel smoothly at top speed. The new T Series Valtras can be equipped with tyres of up to 42 inches, and their first-class brakes guarantee efficient stopping, even with heavy loads. In our top-of-the-line models, the T180 and T190, the instrument panel is connected to the control electronics of the engine and power transmission via a bus, making it easy to provide the required speed and other information on the various tractor components on the instrument panel's graphical display. Surface areas and distances travelled can be measured, and the size of the readouts on the display adjusted. In the those models, there is fully automatic anti-slip regulation which is radar operated and controls the four-wheel drive, differential lock, and linkage.