Stanley Lawn tractors by year

Related brands: Craftsman.

Stanley 17-42 lawn tractorStanley is a major US manufacturer of hand tools and power equipment. Stanley purchased the Craftsman brand from Sears in 2017 followed by purchasing 20% of MTD in 2018. Prior to owning Craftsman, Stanley offered Stanley-branded lawn tractors produced by other companies under license.

Stanley Black & Decker - official site

Sort tractors by Model or Series
ModelPowerMower DeckYears
42560517 hp42" deck2001 - 2002
46560619 hp46" deck2001 - 2002
52560722 hp52" deck2001 - 2002
48ZS20 hp48" deck2011 - 2015
54ZS23 hp54" deck2011 - 2015
62ZS27 hp62" deck2011 - 2015

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