Poloron Lawn tractors by series

Poloron 838 5401M lawn tractorPoloron was an industrial conglomerate that produced a line of lawn tractors in the early 1970s. Poloron purchased the Levitt (LMC) lawn tractor company in 1967; the Levitt's then started the Dynamark sales group. Poloron continued to build lawn tractors in the Michigan City, Indiana factory until 1974. A final line of Poloron brand tractors was built by Garton in Wisconsin before Poloron discontinued the tractor division.

Also Poloron Snowmobiles
Sort tractors by Model or Series

Fleetwood Series
5500M8 hp32" deck1976
5501M8 hp32" deck1976
6503M8 hp38" deck1976
10033J8 hp32" deck1972
11031J8 hp32" deck1972
197107 hp32" deck1970
197307 hp32" deck1969
197407 hp32" deck1969
197427 hp40" deck1969
197507 hp32" deck1969
197527 hp40" deck1969
198328 hp32" deck1970
198348 hp32" deck1970
198448 hp40" deck1970
205115 hp25" deck1971
208218 hp26" deck1971
208228 hp26" deck1971
208318 hp32" deck1971
208328 hp32" deck1971
208338 hp32" deck1971
30041J8 hp38" deck1972
30043J8 hp38" deck1972
30143J8 hp38" deck1972
40041J8 hp38" deck1972
40043J8 hp38" deck1972
40143J8 hp38" deck1972

Stallion Series
97107 hp32" deck1970
97307 hp32" deck1969
97327 hp32" deck1969
97407 hp40" deck1969
97427 hp40" deck1969
98328 hp32" deck1970
98348 hp32" deck1970
98448 hp40" deck1970
105115 hp25" deck1971
108218 hp26" deck1971
108228 hp26" deck1971
108318 hp32" deck1971
108328 hp32" deck1971
108338 hp32" deck1971
128318 hp32" deck1971
13031J8 hp32" deck1972
43043J8 hp38" deck1972

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