Lawn Rovr Lawn tractors

Heilman Lawn Rov'r model 440 garden tractorLawn Rov'r tractors were manufactured by Heilman in the 1970s. Lawn Rov'r was founded by Glenn Heilman who had experience at Garden-All and then Wheel Horse, after Wheel Horse purchased Garden-All's factory. Lawn Rov'r entered bankruptcy in 1981.

Sort tractors by Model or Series
Mower Deck
2208 hp36" deck1973
4408 hp36" deck1974 - 1976
55010 hp36" deck1974 - 1976
8768 hp36" deck1977 - 1980
8778 hp32" deck1979 - 1980
107610 hp36" deck1977 - 1978
117611 hp36" deck1978
117711 hp42" deck1978 - 1980
117811 hp42" deck1979 - 1980

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