Jacobsen Lawn tractors by power

Related brands: Homelite.

Jacobsen Chief 1200 garden tractor.Jacobsen was founded in Racine, Wisconsin by Knud and Oscar Jacobsen. Jacobsen was acquired by Textron in 1978 and its residential lawn and garden product line was merged with Homelite. Deere purchased Homelite-Jacobsen in 1994 and operated it until 2001, when it was sold to TTI. Jacobsen's commercial golf and turf products continue to be part of Textron. The Racine operations were closed by Textron in 2001.

Jacobsen - official site

Also Jacobsen Farm tractors
Sort tractors by Model or Series
ModelPowerMower DeckYears
Javelin4 hp26" deck1959 - 1969
Chief 66 hp36" deck1963 - 1964
Chief 1007 hp36" deck1961 - 1963
LT77 hp unknown
LT7007 hp34" deck1968 - 1971
LT7507 hp34" deck1968 - 1976
808 hp34" deck1977 - 1980
Chief 8008 hp36/42" deck1964 - 1969
Chief-O-Matic 8008 hp36/42" deck1966
LT8608 hp34" deck1970 - 1976
LT8858 hp34" deck1970 - 1974
LTX88 hp34" deck1981 - 1986
RMX88 hp30" deck1981 - 1986
Chief 100G9 hp36" deck1963
10010 hp42" deck1977 - 1980
100010 hp42/50" deck1977 - 1980
106010 hp42" deck1975 - 1976
Chief 1010 hp 1963
Chief 100010 hp36/42/48" deck1964 - 1971
Chief-O-Matic 100010 hp36/42/48" deck1966
GT10G10 hp42" deck1981 - 1986
GT-1010 hp42" deck1972 - 1976
Super Chief 100010 hp42/48" deck1967 - 1968
LTX1111 hp42" deck1981 - 1986
RMX1111 hp30" deck1981 - 1986
120012 hp42/50" deck1977 - 1980
125012 hp42/50" deck1977 - 1980
Chief 120012 hp42/48" deck1966 - 1968
Chief-O-Matic 120012 hp36/42/48" deck1966
GT12G12 hp42" deck1981 - 1986
GT12H12 hp42" deck1981 - 1986
GT-1212 hp42" deck1972 - 1976
GT-12H12 hp50" deck1972 - 1976
Super Chief 120012 hp42/48" deck1967 - 1971
YT-1212 hp35/42" deck1987 - 1989
145014 hp42/50" deck1977 - 1980
GT14H14 hp42" deck1981 - 1986
GT-1414 hp50" deck1972 - 1976
Super Chief 145014 hp 1969 - 1971
YT-1414 hp35/42" deck1987 - 1989
YT-1515 hp 1987 - 1989
165016 hp42/50" deck1977 - 1980
GT16H16 hp42" deck1981 - 1986
GT-1616 hp50" deck1973 - 1976
YT-1616 hp 1987 - 1989
YT-1818 hp 1987 - 1989
5350019 hp60" deck1978 - 1980

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