Wheel Horse 1054
| 1964 - 1965 |
Garden tractor |
Series map:
Production |
Manufacturer | Wheel Horse
Garden tractor |
Built in South Bend, Indiana, USA |
Original price was $995 in 1964 |
Variants |
1054A | built in 1965
Mechanical |
Two-wheel drive |
Manual steering |
Open operator station. |
Hydraulics |
Type | open center
1054 Serial Number Location |
Serial number plate below steering wheel. Model codes shown. |
Electrical |
Ground | negative
Battery volts | 12
References |
What to look for in a Horse published in 1965, by Wheel Horse |
Now...for exclusive Wheel-a-Matic Drive published in 1965, by Wheel Horse |
Thoroughbred, Through and Through published in 1966, by Wheel Horse |
Model 1054 Operation and Service Manual published in 1964 |
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