Waltanna Farm tractors by series

Waltanna model 44-400 tractorWaltanna manufactured large four-wheel drive tractors in southern Australia in the 1970s and 1980s. Waltanna was the product of James Nagorcka, a farmer in Victoria who built his first tractor on his farm in 1975. By the 1980s Waltanna was offering a range of tractors. Ford contracted with Waltanna to manufacture the Ford FW series four-wheel drive tractors in the mid 1980s. Changes in the market led Nagorcka to end tractor production in 1989 and focus on other ventures.

Sort tractors by Model, Factory or Series

4 Series
4-175175 hp1978 - 1981
4-200200 hp1978 - 1981
4-210210 hp1978 - 1981
4-250250 hp1978 - 1981
4-325325 hp1978 - 1981
4-360360 hp1978 - 1980
4-380380 hp1980 - 1981

44 Series
44-150150 hp1981 - 1984
44-175175 hp1981 - 1984
44-200200 hp1981 - 1984
44-250250 hp1981 - 1984
44-300300 hp1981 - 1984
44-325325 hp1981 - 1984
44-400400 hp1981 - 1984

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