Montana Farm tractors by series

Montana U4984C tractorMontana Tractors was a distributor of compact and utility tractors in the United States from 2004 to 2011. LG (later, LS) of South Korea was the primary manufacturer for Montana Tractors, the Montana line also included tractors from Escorts, Kukje, Sonalika, TYM and UTB/Universal. LS Tractors entered the US market in 2010, which eliminated Montana's main supplier of tractors. Attempts to secure a new source of tractors were unsuccessful, and Montana stopped selling new tractors at the end of 2010.

Also Montana Lawn tractors
Sort tractors by Model, Factory or Series

30 Series
T233423 hp2006 - 2009
T273427 hp2006 - 2009

C Series
C486447 hp2006 - 2009
C526452 hp2006 - 2009
C686268 hp2006 - 2009

R Series
R284428 hp2007 - 2010
R364438 hp2007 - 2010
R434441 hp2007 - 2010
R494447 hp2007 - 2010

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