Leyland Farm tractors by power

Leyland model 272 tractorLeyland tractors appeared in 1969 after British Leyland purchased BMC. In 1981 Leyland was sold to Marshall and Sons who dropped the Leyland name for Marshall.

Sort tractors by Model, Factory or Series
15428 hp1970 - 1984
23528 hp1982 - 1984
25347 hp1972
24550 hp1972 - 1984
46258 hp[P]1979 - 1984
34459 hpunknown
25560 hp1972 - 1976
26260 hp1976 - 1984
60268 hp[P]1982 - 1984
60468 hp[P]1982 - 1984
47070 hp1973 - 1976
27271 hp1976 - 1984
47271 hp1979 - 1982
27075 hp1972 - 1976
38475 hp1969 - 1972
28282 hp1979 - 1981
48282 hp1979 - 1981
80282 hp1981 - 1982
80482 hp1981 - 1982
28585 hp1972 - 1980
70291 hp[P]1983 - 1984
70491 hp[P]1982 - 1984
2100100 hp1972 - 1980
455unknown1978 - 1988
[P]: Engine power estimated from PTO horsepower. See individual tractor data listing for power details.

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