Lenar Farm tractors

Lenar model 404 tractorLenar was a US-based importer of Chinese tractors in the early 2000s. Lenar started importing Jiangling tractors in 2003. Difficulties with Jiangling and Mahindra's takeover of the Jaingxi factory led to a switch to Dongfeng tractors in 2005. Lenar expanded to distributors in Europe but financial difficulties led to closure in 2008.

Sort tractors by Model, Factory or Series
FS18018 hp1999 - 2003
FS27428 hp2002 - 2005
JL25425 hp2003 - 2005
LE200D20 hp2007 - 2008
LE204D20 hp2007 - 2008
LE25425 hp2007 - 2008
LE304A30 hp2007 - 2008
LE35435 hp2007 - 2008
LE40440 hp2007 - 2008

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