Jinma Farm tractors by series

Jinma JM-250 tractorThe Jinma tractor brand is a product of the Jiangsu Yueda Tractor Manufacturing Company of China. The company was born out of the Jiangsu Yueda Yancheng Tractor Factory, established in 1959 as a Chinese state-owned company of the Machinery Ministry. The company makes the Jinma brand of small (20-75 horsepower) wheeled tractors, in addition to the Huanghai brand of walking tractors. Jinma tractors are exported to Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and North America. In the United States, Jinma tractors are assembled and resold under a variety of brand names including Nortrac, Agracat, Farmpro, and Emerybuilt.

Chinese Tractor Owners Association - online group for owners of Chinese-made tractors

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