J.I. Case Industrial tractors

Related brands: ATC and David Brown.

Case 310 industrial tractor.Case began building industrial version of their farm tractors in the 1930s. In the 1960s Case created a dedicated industrial equipment division with their Construction King line of tractors and backhoes. When Case merged with International in 1983 the industrial equipment group became Case Construction Equipment.

Case IH - official site


J.I. Case backhoe-loader tractors
31042 hp1957 - 1958
310B42 hp1958 - 1959
480E69 hp1988 - 1998
580E69 hp1983 - 1993
580K69 hpunknown
590 Super L95 hp1995 - 2000
590 Turbo93 hp1991 - 1995
68071 hp1966 - 1968
680B71 hp1969 - 1970
680C84 hp1971 - 1974
680E88 hp1975 - 1978
680G88 hp1979 - 1981
680H93 hp1982 - 1984
680K101 hp1986 - 1988
680L101 hp1989 - 1993
780120 hp1971 - 1981
780B120 hp1981 - 1985
780C124 hp1981 - 1988
780D124 hp1988 - 1993

J.I. Case industrial tractors
310D Loader42 hp1960
310E Loader40 hp1961 - 1962
310G42 hp1964 - 1970
310G Loader42 hp1964 - 1970
32042 hp1957 - 1958
320-Bunknown1958 - 1959
32042 hp1957 - 1958
380B53 hp1985 - 1991
380B LCG53 hpunknown
380CK48 hp1971 - 1980
42055 hp1955 - 1957
42042 hp1959 - 1961
420B47 hp1958 - 1959
42555 hp1955 - 1957
430CK38 hp1960 - 1966
430 Utility38 hp1960 - 1965
45057 hp1965 - 1979
450B58 hp1978 - 1983
450C71 hp1983 - 1985
450 Loader57 hp1965 - 1979
450B Loader58 hp1978 - 1983
455B58 hp1983
455C71 hp1983 - 1985
480B41 hp1971 - 1977
480C52 hp1978 - 1979
480D52 hp1980 - 1987
480E LL69 hp1988 - 1989
480LL52 hp1980 - 1990
480 CK41 hp1968 - 1971
480F LL69 hp1989 - 1999
500 Load King57 hp1966 - 1967
520unknown1954 - 1956
52050 hp1959
530 CK52 hp1960 - 1967
55075 hp1989 - 1991
550E75 hp1992 - 1994
550G75 hp1995 - 1998
550H75 hp1999 - 2008
580 CK52 hp1966 - 1971
580B50 hp1971 - 1976
580C62 hp1975 - 1980
580D60 hp1980 - 1983
60062 hp1957 - 1959
64414 hp1972 - 1979
64616 hp1972 - 1980
64818 hp1980 - 1988
650H80 hp1999 - 2008
68071 hp1966 - 1968
680B71 hp1969 - 1970
680C84 hp1971 - 1974
75072 hp1961 - 1967
750 Loader70 hp1961 - 1967
80080 hp1957 - 1959
1000100 hp1957 - 1959
1150105 hp1960 - 1971
1150 Loader105 hp1960 - 1971
1150B120 hp1972 - 1977
1150B Loader120 hp1972 - 1977
1150C125 hp1978 - 1982
1150C Loader125 hp1978 - 1982
1150D125 hp1983 - 1990
1150E123 hp1991 - 1994
1150G124 hp1995 - 2004
1150H124 hp2005 - 2006
1150K130 hp2007 - 2013
1150L130 hpunknown
1150M138 hp2013 - 2023
1155D125 hp1983 - 1990
1155E123 hp1991 - 1994
1650L156 hpunknown
CI35 hp1929 - 1940
DI38 hp1940 - 1952
LAI64 hp1941 - 1952
LI57 hp1929 - 1940
M-3B42 hp1958 - 1959
SI35 hp1942 - 1954
VAI18 hp1942 - 1955
VAIW18 hp1942 - 1955
VI26 hp1940 - 1942
W-352 hp1960 - 1963
W-440 hp1978 - 1983
W-5unknown1959 - 1962
W-780 hp1962 - 1968
W-7E81 hp1970 - 1972
W-8B112 hp1964 - 1968
W-969 hp1958 - 1962
W-9B112 hp1964 - 1968
W-10100 hp1959 - 1963
W-10B112 hp1964 - 1968
W-1160 hp1983
W-11B71 hp1984 - 1993
W-12120 hp1959 - 1967
W-1493 hp1972 - 1986
W-14B101 hp1985 - 1989
W-14H93 hp1972 - 1986
W-18114 hp1971 - 1983
W-20B114 hp1981 - 1993
W-24C158 hp1977 - 1985
W-30165 hp1982 - 1989`
W-36204 hp1977 - 1989
W-930unknown1960 - 1963

©2000-2025 - TractorData.com®. Notice: Every attempt is made to ensure the data listed is accurate. However, differences between sources, incomplete listings, errors, and data entry mistakes do occur. Consult official literature from the manufacturer before attempting any service or repair.