Kubota L240

No photo available
1970 - 1976
Compact Utility tractor
Compact Utility tractor
Kubota L240 Engine
Kubota 1.3L 2-cyl diesel
Engine details ...
Kubota L240 Power
Engine23.7 hp
17.7 kW
Two- or four-wheel drive
Open operator station.
No photos of the Kubota L240 are currently available. To submit yours, email it to Peter@TractorData.com. Photos may only be used with the permission of the original photographer.
Page information
Peter Easterlund - owner of TractorData.com
Copyright 2024 TractorData.com®
TractorData is a family-owned small business located in Minnesota that has been providing reference information on tractors since 1999.
Peter Easterlund - owner/author
Email: Peter@TractorData.com
Updated on July 4, 2024
©2000-2024 - TractorData.com®. Notice: Every attempt is made to ensure the data listed is accurate. However, differences between sources, incomplete listings, errors, and data entry mistakes do occur. Consult official literature from the manufacturer before attempting any service or repair.